Saturday, September 24, 2011

All The King's Men

Directed by: Robert Rossen

I have one word for this film: REALITY. From the beginning up to the end of the movie, everything seemed to be related on what is really happening in our world. Even though this film did not invest more on audio and visual effects compared to Citizen Kane, its story was the cherry on top. It depicted the reality in politics, where corruption and greed are evident since the early times up to the present times. I was surprised to know that as early as those times, they already have problems like these and it has not been resolved throughout the years. This film left a really good impression to me and for the record, I think that I am starting to admire and like old films. What I love the most in this film is the message that it tried to convey to its audience. Just like in Citizen Kane, there may be good intentions at first but it started to change once you already have power and wealth. In the first part of the movie, I like how Stark's intentions were shared to the public but just like any other politicians, once they get elected, they would turn out to be the people that they are not expected to become. Stark took control of the radio and newspaper, thus, he had the authority to manipulate and influence the views of the people. There was this instance where his son got into an accident that led to the death of his girlfriend. The girl's father went to see Stark and told him that the police reports about the accident are not true but since Stark had the authority to do everything that he wants, he still prevailed. Stark may be able to get the sympathy and trust of the people since he created many projects and infrastructures for them, which by the way, are all named after him. He controlled everything and everyone. Until the end of the movie, while he was dying, he still thought of himself and continued to praise himself. People who served him remained to be loyal to him, despite knowing that they are being controlled and influenced by him already.

Favorite lines:

"It is the right of the people that they shall not be deprived of hope."
- Willie Stark
  • I have to agree with this since people have the right to live accordingly and to have access to basic needs and services.
"Pain is an evil. It is not evil. It is not evil in itself. Stark is evil."
- Adam Stanton
  • It is not true that good comes out from evil. If you really have good intentions to serve the public and to give them what they want and what they need, there is no need for one to serve himself/herself first. In public service, the citizens are always first.


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