Sunday, November 6, 2011

The Distinguished Gentleman

Directed by: Jonathan Lynn

Some people would always have the notion that it is easy to get into politics since it is an advantage if you have all the means and charisma to promote and endorse yourself to the constituents. Yet being elected entails a lot of responsibility, some of which [or most] are completely forgotten to be fulfilled by politicians. The Distinguished Gentleman is a film about an aspiring politician who took advantage of the popularity of another [deceased] politician's name in order to win a seat in the Congress. Thomas Jefferson Johnson (Eddie Murphy) is a con man who deceives people through his confidence. He was able to win a seat in the Congress with the use of the popularity of deceased Congressman Jeff Johnson from his own hometown, Florida. In politics, it is necessary to gain supporters and Johnson did this by asking for the help of the senior citizens who are part of an organization. Johnson was able to get 5000+ signatures for his endorsement and he used the deceased congressman's old campaign materials by visiting his widow and asking for it personally. Since the general public are more likely to vote politicians whose names are "popular", Johnson won and became a congressman and he was set to go to Washington D.C. He went to D.C. with his "assistants": his cousin and two other friends. Of course he took advantage of the perks and benefits on being a congressman but day by day, he realized that politics is indeed a dirty game he needed to play. He was challenged by Dick Dodge, the chairman of the Power and Industry committee yet he was able to turn tables for him, proving that he is not just some greedy politician who only cares for his own interest but indeed a concerned politician who wants to make the most out of his power for the benefit of his constituents. He fought for the rights of the children in his hometown who are suffering from cancer because of the electric power company that operates near their school's vicinity. 

More often than not, incumbent politicians take advantage of the "newbies" just like in the film, Dick Dodge, knowing that Johnson is "new" in the world of politics, took advantage of him and made him believe everything that he said. There was this instance where Johnson got involved in an accident with an honest congressman and he turned into Dodge to ask for help and what to do. Dodge fooled him by telling him to bring the congressman into a certain hospital since it is safe from the media. Johnson did what Dodge said but in contrary to what he said, media people were asked to go there and broadcast the incident that happened to the congressman. Of course Johnson did not know what to do since he is just new in this game that's why he asked Dodge for help. It is very disappointing to know that the very people whom you might be able to ask help from would be the very people who will eventually bring you down. Politics is like films. The audience are not aware of what's happening behind the scenes. Politicians are like actors. The audience were captivated and impressed by what they say and do on screen. Getting into politics is just one step, staying is the second one which is the hardest. It is like a life and death situation where you have to choose whether to get yourself influenced by others or not. A life and death situation where you have to choose whether to take advantage of your power and authority to fulfill your responsibility for the benefit of your constituents or for your own good. Jeff Johnson soon realized what his real agenda is, which is to extend help to his people. He might not be knowledgeable of the constitution and what it entails as well as other political stuff but he surely knows how to help his people which is by talking and listening to them first-hand on what their problems are. This is a grassroots approach which needs to be learned by ALL politicians. It is not good to suggest and formulate courses of actions (projects and programs) from the point-of-view of the politician or his administration. There is a need to get it from the perspective of the constituents who will benefit from it. 

Sometimes I find it hard to watch movies about politics since some of it are really serious and dragging yet this one's tweaked and the entire film's comedy. It made the movie lighter to the audience, without making them bored on the conversations done in the film. This film was made during the year I was born yet there's still no difference on the current situation of politics. 



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