Sunday, October 30, 2011

Pirates of Silicon Valley

Directed by: Martyn Burke

Apple Computer vs Microsoft. Steve Jobs vs Bill Gates. This made-for-television film showcased the rivalry between two of the most influential people when it comes to the computer age. It also unveiled the rise and fall of the Apple Computers and how both Jobs and Gates stole ideas from Xerox Palo Alto Research Center (PARC) and Seattle Computer Products, respectively. Steve Jobs and Bill Gates are pioneers in the computer industry which made so much difference in the lives of millions of people across the globe. 

Who would've thought that a typical geek who wasn't even able to finish college, because of his contribution to the world of technology, would become one of the most successful man in history? Steve Jobs died recently (three weeks ago) yet he left a legacy that benefited millions of people and would influence the future generations. In the film Pirates of the Silicon Valley, the beginnings of Jobs' Apple Computer was shown as well as how it collapsed. He co-founded it with Steve Wozniak and started making models in their garage. They were pretty impressive and smart (considering that they are geeks in college), which paved way for them to talk to companies and encourage them to buy their products (as far as I could remember, they even got patent for their invention). They were rejected a few times yet this did not stop them from moving forward, a characteristic that most successful people possess. In the huge world of business [and politics], not all the time you would be favored by people around you but you have to prove them wrong. You have to prove them that you are capable of changing their lives as well as the lives of the majority. Just like in politics, you have to work harmoniously with people around you, for you to be able to get support and assistance. Jobs tend to scare away his workers; he even lets some of them work overnight in the office to finish their task and gets mad at them whenever he catches them on idle. Jobs is a symbol of perfection, he wants everything to be perfect so as to satisfy fully the needs and wants of people. But he has to be reminded that he has to establish good relationships with his workers so that they would be inspired to work hard and for them not to be threatened. There are a lot of turning points in Steve Jobs' life, just like in any other politician's life, such as his discovery and rejection of the fact that he got his on-and-off high school girlfriend pregnant. He denied that he's the father of the child until there was this scene in the film where he visited his ex-girlfriend's house and saw his daughter playing outside. She never had the chance to know the real identity of the man who was outside their house or simply put, she didn't know that he was her father. Jobs invented the Apple Lisa Computer during the same year his daughter was born and it was said that it was named after her. He was fired later on by the CEO of Apple Computer. 

Bill Gates, on the other hand, is considered as one of the richest man in the world but his beginnings were a little bit shaky, just like Steve Jobs. Gates, along with Steve Ballmer, Paul Allen, and Mike Markkula worked their way towards success as they designed an operating system (DOS) for computers. They were intimated by the IBM, which is already a large company during that time and were surprised to see the large headquarters of Apple Computer. I didn't really have an idea that Jobs and Gates knew each other ever since their beginnings until I saw this film. There was one instance wherein Jobs was having his exhibit during a computer fair and when he was approached by Gates, he refused to talk to him. Politicians pretty much play the same game. If they know that a certain person is not worth their time because he/she wouldn't be of great help to them, they would ignore him/her, unlike if a person is influential and powerful, they would have all the time in the world to talk. This is one reason why most politicians arrive at their own desire of satisfying their own needs and wants. They fail at knowing their real constituents because they do not want to spend time talking to the citizens first-hand. They'd rather create programs or projects from their own point-of-view, disregarding the opinion of the beneficiaries which leads to the failure of the program/project to address the real problem in the community.

Steve Jobs and Bill Gates are like public servants; they [should] aim to improve the lives of the people. They are geared towards looking for ways that would contribute to the betterment of the few. But who are benefiting from their inventions? To be honestly speaking, only those who are privileged could afford the new forms of technology invented by both pioneers which leads us to the assumption that only their lives are improved. 

This scene in the film showed Steve Jobs' "unprofessional" attitude towards people in work. His informal attire was also noticeable in the film since he goes to work in khaki shorts and a shirt. But his simplicity continued 'til the end. We have seen him during his Apple product launches wearing jeans and a black sweater. He will always be remembered. Rest in Peace, Mr. Jobs.


Screen shot taken from:

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Hitler: The Rise of Evil

Directed by: Christian Duguay

I have never seen a man who is so charismatic and appealing until we've watched Hitler: The Rise of Evil in class. It basically focuses on how Adolf Hitler, who is just a typical German, rose to power through the use of his own charisma and knowledge. Since the film's quite new (2003), the audio and visual effects of the film are clear and superb. 

In the earlier parts of the movie wherein Hitler's still a child and a teenager, he already shows motivation in making a change. He joined the military and luckily, didn't get extremely harmed and wounded. His own personal vision of "eradicating" the Jews in Germany was his inspiration and motivation in gathering up the Germans. Hitler's aggressiveness is very evident during his speeches and every time he talks to someone. At first, no one wants to listen to him but upon hearing his very charismatic and powerful speeches, people learned to love listening to him. He eventually gained a lot of followers and supporters, including powerful capitalists in Germany, who helped him in his journey in promoting the National Socialist Movement. He was admired by many yet I found him so intimidating. I even had goosebumps every time I heard his speeches. But at the end of the film, I was so sure that what brought this "typical German" into power is his own self [and of course with the help and support of German capitalists]. Hitler could have been one of the greatest leaders of all time but he turned tables since he initiated the Second World War which led to the death of millions of people across the globe. MILLIONS of innocent lives were taken. I have to pinpoint a scene in the film wherein Hitler was given VIP treatment while he was in prison [as a matter of fact, he doesn't seem to be in jail at all]. This is not new in our eyes for many, if not all, politicians were actually given special treatment while they're in jail [which is also evident in Iginuhit ng Tadhana when Marcos was sent to jail yet he refused to be given a special treatment "daw"]. They don't get to experience what other "criminals" are experiencing in jail such as living in untidy and disgusting prison cells, eating less, sleeping in the floor, etc. They are even given TV sets which could entertain them. This is just one side of INEQUALITY which is evident until the present times. Moreover, the film also showcased Hitler's desire to women and children. His own niece is not even an exception to the rule. The Beer Hall in Germany where almost all of Hitler's speeches are delivered is very significant because this is where he was able to gather and gain followers and supporters. This is where he impressed people. And this is where he exposed his hatred for the Jews [by the way, it is not the fault of the Jews if they are born Jews, just saying], which is the main reason of his movement.

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."
-Edmund Burke

I couldn't agree more with Sir Edmund Burke's statement. If people would just do nothing, evil is more likely to succeed and overcome. People have to do something in order to prevent evil from rising. More often than not, people are scared to compete against evil because they are afraid that they might lose. But what makes evil succeed is the apathy of people and this should not be the case.



Iginuhit ng Tadhana

Directed by: Mar S. Torres, Jose De Villa, Conrado Conde

The movie Iginuhit ng Tadhana, which could be translated in the English language as "Destined by Fate", is a political propaganda film of the late Ferdinand Marcos who is known to be one of the most controversial political leaders in our country. He declared Martial Law on September 1972 which lasted for 14 years. The Philippines experienced the worst during his dictatorship, which greatly influenced our current situation. Iginuhit ng Tadhana showcased Marcos' life story, from the day he was born up to his political reign. Marcos grew in a politically affiliated family, became a lawyer, had a seat in the House of Representatives and the Senate, married Imelda Romualdez, and became President of the Republic of the Philippines. 

The movie was made for one clear reason: to promote Marcos in his presidential campaign. Film is one easy way of getting the attention and sympathy of people and Marcos considered this as a way to promote himself as he ran in the presidential bid against President Diosdado Macapagal.

At first I found it hard to adjust to the quality of the film since it is produced way back in the 60s where films are still in black and white but as the movie went along, I became used to it already. The audio was not that clear as well and there are some parts in the movie where I really cannot understand what the characters are saying. Despite the quality of the film, I still had a grasp on the message that the movie wants to convey to its audience. There is no doubt that it really is a political propaganda movie for it only showed the "good" side of Marcos. For an instance, there are many scenes inside a court house where Marcos was defending himself, for he was accused of murdering Julio Nalundasan, Mariano Marcos' (Ferdinand's father) political rival in Ilocos Norte. In these scenes, Marcos' words were truly powerful and captivating and I think that every Filipino who have seen this film during his time would not think that his words are actually deceiving. They would probably believe everything that he said, thus, he had their sympathy. People say that "seeing is believing" and from what we watched, Marcos really did a great job of gaining followers through this movie. This movie showed only one side of Marcos, making people believe that he and his family have nothing to do with the murder of Nalundasan. Marcos was really close to his mom and she continued to be his source of inspiration until he met Imelda Romualdez. I was truly awed by Gloria Romero's beauty in the film. Like what I've said earlier, everything in this movie is in a positive scale and you cannot really find anything that would give the Marcoses a bad reputation. But the Marcoses will always be Marcoses. What they have done in the country and its people left a mark that cannot be removed even after a thousand years and it will remain to be a scar in the Philippine history. The death of Ferdinand Marcos' greatest rival, Benigno "Ninoy" Aquino Jr., triggered the Filipinos to fight for their democracy and it paved way to the strong unity and sense of nationalism among Filipinos. But history is repeating itself, with Marcos' and Aquino's sons elected in office during the present time, Ferdinand "Bongbong" Marcos, Jr. who is a senator and Benigno "Noynoy" Aquino III who is currently the President of the Republic of the Philippines. I wouldn't be surprised if Senator Bongbong would run for presidency; there was this one scene in the film wherein Bongbong tells his mom Imelda that he wants to venture in politics someday but Imelda tells him not to because politics is "dirty" yet now, Imelda represents the second district of Ilocos Norte in the House of Representatives while Bongbong's in senate. The Filipinos embraced so much lies that even now, some would still want to believe in. Now everyone's suffering the consequences of what happened during the Marcos regime and unfortunately, the succeeding generations will also have to suffer the consequences. The Philippines is left with great debt that not even all of Imelda's jewelries and shoes combined could repay.